WordPress email and Godaddy

I have WordPress installed on a Godaddy Windows hosted server.  Email is not working to retrieve passwords.  I get this error:

The e-mail could not be sent.
Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function…

Fix: Installed the WP-Mail-SMTP plugin. Set up my email address in the From, and set the outgoing server to relay-hosting.secureserver.net with no authentication.

And it worked.

I am also using the CForms plugin.  Under Global settings, I had to enter relay-hosting.secureserver.net to get it to email form submissions properly.

Update: Here are the settings I am using for the WP-Mail-SMTP plugin:

From Email: (I’m using a non-Gmail email address. See why here.)

From Name: (my name)

Mailer: “Send all WordPress emails via SMTP.” is checked

SMTP Host: relay-hosting.secureserver.net

SMTP Port: (blank)

Encryption: No encryption

Authentication: No authentication

Username: (blank)

Password: (blank)

Update 2009-10-25: If you are using a virtual dedicated server at Godaddy you will need to use k2smtpout.secureserver.net instead for the SMTP host.  Thanks to @koset for finding the info here: http://help.godaddy.com/topic/91/article/150